

A View From The Patriotic Left er áhugaverð grein um hryðjuverkin 11. september og afleiðingar þeirra.

It is important to realize at the outset that a victory for those forces, of which bin Ladenism is only the most extreme, is in two senses of the word impossible. Impossible, obviously, from a moral point of view and from the viewpoint of survival. It has taken us a long time to evolve a society that, however imperfectly, respects political pluralism and religious diversity and the emancipation of the sexual life. A society that attempts to employ the objective standards of scientific inquiry and that has brought us the Hubble telescope and the unraveling of the chain of DNA. Clearly, there can be no compromise between this and the ravings of those who study dreams and are deluded by wild prophecies and who regard women as chattel and unbelievers as sacrificial animals. For them, the achievements of science are nothing, while the theft of weapons of mass destruction counts as a holy task. Their degradation is bottomless.

Næstu daga verður væntanlega mikil umræða um þessa atburði í öllum fjölmiðlum. Horfði á áhugaverðan þátt á Sky um daginn. Þar var meðal annars rætt við björgunarmenn sem voru staddir við turnana. Frásagnir þeirra voru margar ansi svakalegar. Meðal annars kom fram að fyrstu slökkviliðsmennirnir sem létust voru að reyna að komast inn í turnana og urðu undir fólki sem hafði kastað sér niður.

