
reykingar og trś

Ef žaš er eitthvaš sem kemst nįlęgt ofstęki mķnu ķ trśmįlum er žaš ofstęki mitt varšandi reykingar.

Ég žoli ekki reykingar og hef aldrei gert žaš. Žetta óžol mitt er merkilegt ķ ljósi žess aš allir mķnir vinir į unglingsįrum voru aš rembast viš aš vera rokkarar og reyktu.

Rakst svo į skemmtilega samantekt į vefnum. Žessi nįungi tók saman lista yfir žaš sem hann vill og vill ekki hafa į heimili sķnu. Žaš sem mér finnst įhugaveršast er pęling hans um trśmįl (nešast į sķšunni) og hvernig hann lķkir žeim saman viš óbeinar reykingar.

"It is clear to me that I do not want to live in a religious household. I do not want religious rituals in my home. Not even a little prayer before bed time.

I don't know all the reasons why, but I do know a few of them. In some ways, the analogy of smoking is very applicable, albeit perhaps a bit harsher than I might intend. In the outside world, I can handle smelling smoke once in a while, I might even say that some tobacco smoke smells "interesting". But in my home, smoke makes me feel like choking. As it is with religion. As long as I can see it and observe it as something outside of me, that is fine.

But as a home is considered part of one's identity and self, I do not want religion nor regular religious rituals in my home. I might light a match to light the stove, or perhaps as a demonstration, or even to burn the occasional candle. But I won't light a cigar(rette) nor will I allow others to do so in my home. And similarly, I might engage in a discussion of spiritual issues, or religious issues or practices. But such discussions would serve only to learn about religion, not to teach religion itself. "
