
Bowling for Columbine - heimildarmynd eša skįldskapur?

Fyrir nokkrum vikum horfši ég į heimildarmyndina Bowling for Columbine eftir Michael Moore, žann sama og skrifaši bókina Stupid White Men. Mér žótti myndin helvķti góš og pęldi mikiš eftir aš hafa horft į hana. Bókina hef ég ekki ennžį lesiš.

En ég gerši rįš fyrir aš žetta vęri heimildarmynd.

Nś er ég eiginlega žeirrar skošunar aš žaš sé varla réttlętanlegt aš kalla žessa mynd heimildarmynd. Žaš hljóta aš gilda einhverjar reglur (venjur) um mešferš heimilda til žess aš svo sé. Ķ myndinni fer Moore vęgast sagt frjįlslega meš heimildir. Klippir sundur ręšur og skeytir žeim saman ķ annarri röš, til žess eins aš lįta lķta śt fyrir aš menn hafi sagt eitthvaš allt annaš en žeir sögšu. Hreinar og klįrar stašreyndavillur koma fram og meira segja nafn myndarinnar er dregiš af atburšum sem ekki įttu sér staš. Ķ myndinni segir Moore aš piltarnir sem frömdu fjöldamoršin ķ Columbine hafi byrjaš daginn į aš fara ķ keilu. Žaš geršu žeir ekki. Ekki stórt atriši... en af hverju aš setja žaš fram ef žaš er ekki satt?

Žaš veršur įhugavert aš sjį hvort Bowling For Columbine fęr óskarinn sem besta heimildarmyndin.

Truth about Bowling for Columbine

The point is not that Bowling is unfair, or lacking in objectivity. One might hope that a documentary would be fair and objective, but nothing rules out a rousing polemic now and then.

The point is far more fundamental: Bowling for Columbine is dishonest. It is fraudulent. It fixes upon a theme, and advances it, whenever necessary, by deception. It even uses the audio/video editor to assemble a Heston speech that Heston did not give, and to turn sympathetic phrases into arrogant ones. You can't even trust the narrator to read you a plaque or show you a speech, for Pete's sake.

In "Bowling for Columbine," Michael Moore once again puts distortions and contradictions before the truth

Here, as ever, Michael Moore just doesn't seem to know what he thinks. When pressed, in fact, he isn't even sure he actually has a point. Appearing on CNN's Moneyline last spring, host Lou Dobbs asked him about the inaccuracies in Stupid White Men. "How can there be inaccuracy in comedy?" Moore responded.

Satire is not an excuse for dissembling. Great satirists like Jonathan Swift and Mark Twain used hyperbole as a form of social criticism. Michael Moore, however, uses lies, distortions, and nonsensical arguments to mask cheap attacks and promote his own political agenda. Take him seriously at your own risk.

One Moore stupid white man

For the bestselling nonfiction book in the country, "Stupid White Men" has received remarkably little scrutiny and few serious reviews. Moore is much beloved in Britain, and a review on a BBC show called his book "fantastic" with "loads of research." Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have read much of it -- though the thousands of people who have bought his book surely don't know that.
