
Pantaði bækur, The Bug og Freedom Evolves

Ég pantaði mér tvær bækur á amazon í gær. Annars vegar skáldsöguna The Bug eftir Ellen Ulman og hins vegar bókina Freedom evolves eftir heimspekinginn Daniel Dennett. Hér er viðtal við hann þar sem rætt er um efni bókarinnar.

Reason: Your new book is called Freedom Evolves. Why?

Dennett: Because people have this strange antipathy for evolution and for materialism. They think that if evolution is true, then they’re just animals or automatons -- that they won’t have freedom and they won’t have responsibility, and life will have no meaning. The point of the book is to show that, on the contrary, it’s only when you understand life from an evolutionary point of view that you understand what our freedom really is. You realize that it’s real. It’s different and better than the freedom of other animals, but it’s evolved. It’s not supernatural.

The Bug hlýtur að teljast bók fyrir nörda og ég er mjög spenntur fyrir henni, las fyrst um hana á Joe on Software sem er síða sem ég mæli með fyrir alla sem vinna við eða hafa áhuga á hugbúnaðargerð.

Ellen Ullman's new book The Bug is a terrific novel about a programmer coming unravelled because of a killer bug nicknamed The Jester which seems to only appear at the worst possible times.

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