
Overloading ALT-D on a web page is a bad idea

Imagine the scenario, you have just published an entry with MovableType. After doing so you want to visit a web page so you hit ALT-D to move the focus to the address bar and overwrite the current URL, without looking (or just typing very fast) you write the name of the web page you want to visit and hit Enter. Lo and behold, you have now deleted your recently published article from the database. ALT-D deletes an entry in MovableType.

This is one of the features they list as new in MT 3.2

Alt-D: Delete the currently selected entry, comment, TrackBack, category, author, or weblog.

IMHO it is not a very good idea usability wise to overload a browser shortcut for a critical feature like this. I can't believe I'm the only sucker to have accidentally deleted an entry from my blog :-) Hitting ALT-D and typing in a URL is a very common habit of mine.

Ég set þetta hér inn á ensku þar sem ekki er hægt að kommenta á síðu sixapart, bara senda inn trackback. Það er alls óvíst að vísunin birtist á síðunni þeirra, en maður veit aldrei. Ég eyddi óvart færslu um daginn og fattaði áðan af hverju - var semsagt næstum búinn að endurtaka leikinn.

movable type