
Hæstiréttur Íran gúdderar morð á "siðlausum" !

Iran reverses convictions for 'morally corrupt' killings

According to the Supreme Court's earlier decision, the killers, who are members of the Basiji Force, volunteer vigilantes favored by the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, considered their victims morally corrupt and, according to Islamic teachings and Iran's Islamic penal code, their blood could therefore be shed.

Sjónvarpið sýndi um daginn breska heimildarmynd í tveim hlutum um lífið í Íran. Mér fannst á þeim þáttum að það væri djúp gjá milli meginþorra almennings í Íran og stjórnvalda, fólk vilji frjálslyndara umhverfi en það lifir við. Þetta er líklega enn eitt dæmið um það.

The reversal Wednesday, in a five-year-old case from Kerman, in central Iran, has produced anger and controversy, with lawyers calling it corrupt and newspapers giving it prominent coverage

via MeFi

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