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Evidence for Psychic Functioning: Claims vs. Reality (Skeptical Inquirer March 1996)

"Much can be written at this point. The major point I would make, however, is that drawing conclusions from meta-analytic studies is like having your cake and eating it too"

Time to Stand Up

“To blame Islam for what happened in New York is like blaming Christianity for the troubles in Northern Ireland!” Yes. Precisely. It is time to stop pussyfooting around. Time to get angry. And not only with Islam.

Douglas Adams:
when I was making the other points. I just think, “Fine, we have different opinions.” But, the moment I say something that has something to do with somebody’s (I’m going to stick my neck out here and say irrational) beliefs, then we all become terribly protective and terribly defensive and say “No, we don’t attack that; that’s an irrational belief but no, we respect it.”


birgir.com - 30/09/02 18:02 #

Ég hef reyndar tilhneigingu til að líta svo á að kaþólska og lúterska séu aðeins merkimiðar á Norður-Írlandi, rót vandans liggi ekki í trúnni heldur uppruna manna og pólitískum vilja (einangrunar- og sambandssinnar).

Getur verið að Dawkins sé að horfa fram hjá þessu, eða hef ég einfaldlega rangt fyrir mér?

Matti Á - 30/09/02 18:05 #

Ég held þið séuð sammála!

"How can I say that religion is to blame? Do I really imagine that, when a terrorist kills, he is motivated by a theological disagreement with his victim? Do I really think the Northern Ireland pub bomber says to himself, “Take that, Tridentine Transubstantiationist bastards!” Of course I don’t think anything of the kind. Theology is the last thing on the minds of such people. They are not killing because of religion itself, but because of political grievances, often justified. They are killing because the other lot killed their fathers. Or because the other lot drove their great- grandfathers off their land. Or because the other lot oppressed our lot economically for centuries. "

birgir.com - 30/09/02 18:19 #

Jamm, ég hefði betur drullast til að lesa greinina áður en ég kom askvaðandi hér inn á skítugum skónum :)

Matti Á. - 01/10/02 11:02 #

Það er oft betra að lesa greinar áður en maður setur fram athugasemdir, það er alveg satt :-)

En greinin er rosalega fín, eins og reyndar flest (allt?) sem Dawkins lætur frá sér.