

Þetta var gargandi snilld.

Ótrúleg vika hjá Liverpool.


hildigunnur - 15/03/09 09:13 #

ekki ætla ég að tjá mig um Liverpool, en þetta finnast mér góðar fréttir - öfugt við það sem maður hefði haldið:

Perkins is now praying that economic failure will be a stimulus for his family-values business. “As the economy goes downward,” he has theorized, “I think people are going to be driven to religion.” Wrong again. The latest American Religious Identification Survey, published last week, found that most faiths have lost ground since 1990 and that the fastest-growing religious choice is “None,” up from 8 percent to 15 percent (which makes it larger than all denominations except Roman Catholics and Baptists). Another highly regarded poll, the General Social Survey, had an even more startling finding in its preliminary 2008 data released this month: Twice as many Americans have a “great deal” of confidence in the scientific community as do in organized religion. How the almighty has fallen: organized religion is in a dead heat with banks and financial institutions on the confidence scale.

fundið í NY Times hér http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/15/opinion/15rich.html?th&emc=th :D

Matti - 16/03/09 00:18 #

Þetta er jákvæð þróun. Hvenær ætli trúleysingjar verði talinn alvöru hópur í Bandaríkjunum sem taka þarf mark á?

Þú hefðir nú getað sagt eitthvað örlítið um Liverpool :-)