
Jákvæðni, neikvæðni og raunsæi

Frábær tíu mínútna ræða um jákvæðni, neikvæðni og raunsæi. Tengt við hrunið, Leyndarmálið, Bush yngri og fleira. Afskaplega margir fínir punktar í þessu stutta myndbandi.

(Séð hjá PZ Myers)


Matti - 14/07/10 23:12 #

Frábær athugasemd hjá PZ Myers.

Positive thinking is one of the great cons.

  • There's just a tiny grain of truth in it, namely that negative thinking sometimes promotes failure. That's enough for 'plausibility' in the mind of the critically illiterate.
  • It doesn't require adherence to any belief system, except a single piece of magical thinking.
  • It makes vast but vague promises - "Whatever you want, you'll get".
  • It can be credited as the source of any and all successes, so is wide open for confirmation bias.
  • The poor can be conned and subdued by giving hectoring 'advice', the rich by charging for courses to do the same thing.
  • It puts the onus of action entirely on the dupe - the promoter doesn't need to do anything except talk.
  • It enables you to blame the victim when it fails - if someone fails, it's because they weren't positive enough. More than that, it makes the victim blame themselves. That's genius.

Arnar - 15/12/10 09:42 #

Yes! Nú kemur ný glæra í prestaskólaríkisins: Matti dreyfir klámi!

Arnar - 15/12/10 09:56 #

Frábært vídeó annars.. hjá Barbara Ehrenreich en ekki klámið.

Matti - 15/12/10 12:13 #

Kommon, ég var í prófi :-)