
Ótrúleg jól

Frćbbblarnir eru međ jólin á hreinu.

lag dagsins

Elisabeth - 21/12/11 17:10 #

So, what if someone does not believe that Christmas has anything at all to do with Jesus or his birthday or Christianity, does that make it a ótruleg jól? Even if they do believe it is a good time to think about peace and goodwill and joy? And even if they might otherwise profess a belief in God?

Matti - 21/12/11 18:55 #

So what - what? :-)

Ég held ţađ megi lesa titil lagsins sem ótrúarleg-jól. Ţađ fjallar semsagt um jól ţess sem ekki trúir. Held ađ titillinn sé bara smá orđaleikur.

Valgarđur Guđjónsson - 21/12/11 22:51 #

Takk fyrir fćrsluna!

Jú, titillinn er orđaleikur eins og ţig grunar. Ţćr hefđir sem eru fastur ţáttur um jólin snúast í fćstum tilfellum um trú.

(English): playing with the word "Ótrúleg", which could be interpreted as "un-religious". The traditional seasonal activities rarely have anything to do with relgion.