
Kærleikur og trúarbrögð

Ég held satt best að segja að kærleikur sé eitthvað sem hvert og eitt okkar hefur, en til að kærleikur verði hluti af samfélaginu er þörf á trúarbrögðum.

Vanalega sér maður svona bull bara frá snarklikkuðum trúarnötturum - eins og t.d. biskup.

Framhald af þessu.

kristni vísanir

Lissy - 22/09/09 23:55 #

Well, certainly capitalism does not encourage feelings of love, compassion, and caring. Art can, but is more often these days directed towards encouraging feelings of disquiet, displacement, and irony. Education can, and I think does, when it is not being used to further the first two. Science, well, science can go either way, I think astronomy and biology both inspire awe, and when done right can also be about caring through understanding. But too often, capitalism gets its hands on that too. The thing that makes religion nice is that it is pretty hard (though clearly not impossible) to turn it into an exclusively capitalist endeavor. As a mode of resistance, it is therefore extremely valuable. Yes, something that was abusive of its power in the past can serve an entirely different purpose in the present.

hildigunnur - 23/09/09 08:38 #

Lissy, en málið er að (allavega skipulögð) trúarbrögð geta og eru iðulega notuð til alls annars en kærleika. Og það er ótrúlega mikið kapítalískt í til dæmis Þjóðkirkjunni, því miður.